What began as a small student organization in 2008 has, over the course of a decade, grown into a worldwide movement with thousands of active members and dozens of diverse chapters. Tens of thousands of students have passed through our organization over the years, each contributing their own knowledge and talent, while making memories, experiences, and friendships that will last them a lifetime. This is precisely why, through it all, our core mission has never changed: Building Relationships that will Change the World.
Ten years is a remarkable milestone for any volunteer organization to achieve, made all the more remarkable by the fact that GCC has always existed as a student-led organization, requiring busy students at top universities to donate their time and energy to build their chapters. Having achieved a decade of growth, we’ve shown the world that GCC is here to stay, and we’ve secured GCC’s reputation as the largest and most dynamic organization of its kind in existence. Yet, we can never rest easy: as a student-led, nonprofit organization, it is imperative that we achieve and maintain financial sustainability, to ensure the GCC’s existence for the next generation of student leaders.
To our loyal members, alumni, and advisors: we thank you for having made the past decade possible. Without you, there would be no GCC. Whether you hung posters for a local chapter’s events, attended or helped plan a national conference, wrote an article for Insights, served as a member of the Central Management team, or participated in GCC in any other way, you contributed to our organization’s success, and you own a part of our organization’s incredible legacy.
About UsAchieve financial sustainability and stability for years to come
Establish chapter block grants, make funding available for chapter-level activities and expansion
Increased budget for greater number of conferences with even stronger roster of speakers;
Return of China conferences, and a general build-up of more robust Asia operations;
Establish need and talent-based GCC scholarships and awards to help cultivate undergraduate students who may not otherwise have the opportunity to study in China
Receive a thank you message from GCC management and the feeling that you made a difference!
Donoate NowRecognition on the GCC official website under supporter page, and the feeling that you made a difference!
Donate NOW1 ticket to World Summit in New York on April 21, 2018;
1 ticket to VIP reception/GCC-10 gala on April 20, 2018;
Recognition on GCC website, newsletter (>10,000 subscribers), and Summit materials. Before you donate, please email GCC Chairman of Board of Trustees at yihao.li@gccglobal.org if you would like to donate at this level so we can customize your donation.
2 ticket to World Summit;
2 ticket to VIP reception;
Recognition on GCC website, newsletter (>10,000 subscribers), and Summit materials; branded GCC gift.
Before you donate, please email GCC Chairman of Board of Trustees at yihao.li@gccglobal.org if you would like to donate at this level so we can customize your donation.
5 tickets to World Summit; 2 tickets to VIP reception;
recognition on GCC website, newsletter(>10,000 subscribers), and Summit materials;
Personalized GCC Globetrotter certificate; branded GCC gift.
Before you donate, please email GCC Chairman of Board of Trustees at yihao.li@gccglobal.org if you would like to donate at this level so we can customize your donation.
Award dedication in donor's name at GCC World Summit;
10 tickets to World Summit;
2 tickets to VIP reception;
recognition on GCC website, newsletter(>10,000 subscribers), and Summit materials; Personalized GCC Champion certificate; branded GCC gift.
Before you donate, please email GCC Chairman of Board of Trustees at yihao.li@gccglobal.org if you would like to donate at this level so we can customize your donation.
Annual Global GCC Summits held in the U.S. and China every year
GCC chapters established across the world within 5 years
young leaders from Asia, America and Europe attending one of GCC’s annual summits
GCC young leaders directly involved in GCC’s development
subscribers to our GCC monthly newsletter
page views from over 115 countries on our website
David is the Founder & CEO of WonderCV.com, an online career center that aims to bridge the gap between college education and career development.
David started his career as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong, where he primarily worked on cross-border M&A deals totaling over US$8 billion in transaction value. He later joined Affinity Equity Partners (formerly UBS Capital Asia), a $3.9 billion buy-out PE fund. David is also a founding partner at Younker Capital, where he led the investment in Kuanter.com, an auto service O2O company backed
by Tencent and Yiche.com.
David later quit finance altogether and dove into technology. He studied computer programming with an online course, where he developed the Beta version of WonderCV upon realizing that all his classmates needed help on their resumes. WonderCV boasts over 100,000 users within 6 months of launch and has provided 1-on-1 career services to over 1,000 candidates with a 97% placement rate.
David is a founding trustee of Global China Connection, a leading non-profit organization connecting over 60 universities worldwide to further understanding and access to opportunities in China. During his tenure, David has pioneered a leadership delegation which toured Alibaba, Baidu, Sina, Innovation Works, BYD, UBS, J.P. Morgan, and PwC among other well-recognized corporations. In 2006, David co-founded of Heart2Heart Canadian Youth Society, a student-run charity organization that has helped raise over $1.1 million Canadian dollars over the past 12 years to fund schools and education
facilities in rural China.
David is a TEDx speaker, a mentor to Tsinghua University’s Career Coaching Program, an op-ed writer for LinkedIn China, an alum of Zhen Fund’s Entrepreneur in Residence Program. He plays several musical instruments and spends his spare time producing hip-hop music. David graduated with a
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Columbia University.
David本科毕业于哥伦比亚大学经济系,毕业后加入了高盛香港投行部,主要从事海外并购业务,共完成价值80亿美元的并购及融资交易。David曾就职于亚洲第二大PE基金Affinity Equity Partners(前身为瑞银亚洲直投部)投资经理,基金规模39亿美元,并曾作为风险投资基金而立资本合伙人,完成对于宽途汽车(www.kuanter.com)的投资,该公司后获得腾讯和易车的B轮投资。
David于2008年共同创立了非营利组织全球中国联接(GlobalChina Connection),连接全球超过60所大学分部以及组织过数以百计的线下活动,共同为海外人士探索国内机会,并曾gap year一年全职从事NGO,期间与长江商学院共同创建青年领袖计划,拜访了包括阿里、百度、新浪、创新工场、比亚迪、瑞银、摩根大通、普华永道在内的多家知名企业。David于2006年创立公益组织加拿大心连心慈善基金会(Heart2Heart Canadian Youth Society),该组织在过去12年共为山区儿童捐献超过110万加币。
Randy Wan(中文名:万柳朔),无界空间、inDeco艺格工装创始人兼CEO。毕业于康奈尔大学,经济学专业与中国与亚太研究专业双学位(获毕业成绩全系排名第一荣誉)。
大学期间参与创立“全球中国链接”项目(Global China Connection, GCC),并担任该组织董事会理事。协助GCC从全美20所大学扩张到全球50多所大学,拥有一万多名会员。组织全球性的大型论坛,吸引上千观众以及众多主流媒体的报道。
毕业后,万柳朔加入了波士顿咨询公司的北京办事处,帮助大型国企、民企以及外企策划过10+咨询项目(Top 15% of cohort)。
· 猎云网2016年度CEO峰会颁发“年度最佳90后创业者”
· 创业邦2016年会“中国首届联合办公空间品牌评选”颁发“TOP10空间品牌”
· 品途商业评论颁发2016“年度最具商业价值企业”
· 创业邦2017“30岁以下创业新贵”
· 2017NBI商业影响力企业服务领域新锐企业TOP10
· 第14届精瑞奖优秀共享办公品牌
· 新京报2017年度中国创客
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