Hi GCCers and friends around the world
As we all have witnessed, the world has entered a new decade with unexpected and unprecedented challenges: a worldwide pandemic, an escalating trade war, a restless technology race, and intensifying relations between the US, China, and the rest of the world. In this environment of extremism, there’s never been a greater need for clear channels of communication.
GCC has always served a crucial role in building connections and promoting nonpartisan and nondiscriminatory dialogues between Chinese students and their international counterparts who will become future leaders making key decisions in determining future global relations. As the president of the Global Team, it is my duty to ensure our mission is carried out. This year, the Global Team will introduce a bundle of new initiatives that focus on “re-centralizing” the GCC community.
We are introducing a new platform--Dingtalk, an application that can support every chapter and every member of the GCC community to collaborate and interact in real-time. You will be able to see chapters across continents and time zones in an interface that enables you to build relationships, exchange ideas, and collaborate on events with one another.
We will also be making a dedicated effort to strengthen our LinkedIn Database, where we keep track of all our current members and alumni. We suggest you use it as a database to keep track of alumni information for your own university. Also, it will enable your chapter to reach out to potential speakers from other chapters who happen to reside in your region. Last but not least, it will serve as a network that benefits you in your future career development.
We will be running the first ever online GCC Global Summit in our history, the product of a multi-chapter collaboration fully utilizing our new technologies. Brand new topics will be introduced to focus on the most salient political and social issues. We invite your chapter to co-host this Global Summit with other chapters around the world.
On behalf of our Global Team and Board of Trustees, thank you for your membership and continued support. I also would like to invite you to be a part of our network of over 70 chapters. Please let us know how we can support you. Feel free to reach out to info@gccglobal.org.
Best regards,
Tim Zhang
Global Team President,
Global China Connection
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