Founded in 2008, Global China Connection (GCC) is a 501c)3 nonprofit organization for university students and young professionals of all nationalities looking to engage China’s emergence in the world. GCC connects future leaders from all nations and assists them in developing the skills and friendships necessary to succeed both in China and internationally. GCC is today present in more than sixty universities worldwide – and counting. Our chapters are present in North America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. Along with our geographic reach, we are able to connect thousands of students, recent graduates, and professionals through our extensive network. There are no other organizations in the world that can boast such a wide and deep network between Chinese and outside students, institutions, and companies. Every year, we sponsor an ever greater number of local, regional, national, and international events. Whether attending events, hosting delegations, writing research papers, or having a heated discussion over coffee, every interaction between our members connects China and the world, building a network of leaders who will shape the future.
GCC全球中国联接(GCC)成立于2008年,是为大学生和希望从事中国在世界上的崛起各族年轻专业人士的非营利组织(501c)3) GCC连接各国未来的领导者,并协助他们学习必要的技能和建立友谊,使他们能在国际上取得成功。 全球六十余所大学中拥有GCC的成员且人数/学校数量还在持续增长。 我们成员遍布于北美,亚洲,欧洲和大洋洲。随着我们的地理覆盖范围扩大,我们能够通过我们广泛的网络帮助连接成千上万的学生,毕业生和专业人士。 我们成为世界上第一个能帮助数量持续上涨的中国学生连接其他学生,学校和公司的公益性组织。 每年我们越来越多地参与赞助地区级,国家级和国际活动。 无论是参加活动,举办活动,撰写研究论文,或者在喝咖啡时的讨论,我们成员之间的每次交互都连接着中国与世界,构建一个连接未来世界领导人的网络。
Global China Connection is a global professional development organization dedicated to connecting and empowering young leaders who share an interest in China. Over the last decade, China, Asia, and the rest of the world have become increasingly interdependent, and it appears clearer every day that the 21st century will unfold as a function of Sino-US relations. Yet the direction of this engagement is still unclear, as economic, diplomatic, and geopolitical uncertainties still loom on the horizon. It is in the light of this historical situation that GCC’s mission and role will become even more relevant – not only to us but to the rest of the world as well.
GCC作为一个国际职业发展组织,致力于支持所有有志参与中国发展的青年领袖,并合力为他们搭建交流桥梁。 在过去的十年里,中国与亚洲及世界其他地区已变得越来越相互依存,而中美间人际关系的重要性正在凸显出来。 然而,这种关系仍不明朗。经济,外交,和政治地区的不稳定性在地平线上慢慢显现。 而GCC正是这个时代需要的那盏明灯 – 不仅对我们如此,对世界其他地方也是如此。