在2021年,全球社会面临着前所未有的挑战。同时,这个时代更需要我们增进相互理解,促进合作。GCC自始至终贯彻“make connections that change the world” 的使命,在2021这个动荡的一年成功的举办由世界各地多达10余个GCC分支,从2月28日开始至4月18日的2021年年度GCC全球峰会。为适应全球新冠疫情大背景,今年GCC峰会“同舟共济: 后疫情时代下的全球合作” 以全新的线上直播形式呈现给观众,本次大会一共吸引了1800多个注册观众和40余嘉宾,共同探讨新冠疫情对现代社会的影响,以及青年领袖如何在新的时代创造全球化价值。
感谢Asia Society, Trello, Onero Institute, Oxford China forum, 拨雾,Thilliant 作为赞助商、合作伙伴对GCC全球峰会的鼎力支持。峰会的成功举办也离不开所有观众的参与,我们再次向大家表示衷心的感谢!
全球中国联接(Global China Connection) 是全球最大致力于推动中国与世界青年领袖合作的非盈利组织。GCC在全球各知名大学有70多个分部,并在中国北京,上海,广州设有委员会。
In 2021, the global community is facing unprecedented challenges. GCC’s mission of “making connections that change the world” has been pursued throughout this turbulent year of 2021, with more than 10 GCC chapters from all over the world. The annual GCC Global Summit 2021 was held from February 28 to April 18. In response to the global epidemic, this year’s GCC Summit “Together: Global Collaboration in the Post-Epidemic Era” was presented in a new live online format, attracting more than 1,800 registered attendees and 40 guests to discuss the impact of the epidemic on modern society, and how young leaders how to create global value in the new era.
A big thank you to the expert guests from various fields who attended the GCC Global Summit 2021. From national bank chairs to ambassadors abroad, from top 100 companies to national economic advisors, leaders and initiators from various industries set out to discuss the past and look to the future through 13 sections on entrepreneurship, innovation, business, international relations, trade, investment, culture, healthcare, new consumer, entertainment, and technology sectors, etc. in an online seminar format to discuss the critical impact of win-win cooperation on the international community in the wake of the epidemic.
A big thank you to Asia Society, Trello, Onero Institute, Oxford China forum, Thilliant, and Thilliant for their support as sponsors and partners of the GCC. Once again, we would like to thank all of you for your participation in making the Summit a success!
Some of the videos will be released on the GCC public website, so please stay tuned.
Global China Connection (GCC) is the world’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting cooperation between young leaders in China and the world, with over 70 chapters at leading universities around the world and committees in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, China.